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My Bad Concrete Job

This site showcases the really bad concrete job at my new home. I've included pictures of the work so that you can see for yourself what can go wrong if you pick the wrong contractor for your job. On this site you will also find the BBB complaint and my complaint to Consumers Affairs. As of yet the contractor that created this mess has not proposed an acceptable solution.

If you have any suggestions, go to my Contact page.
I'd love to hear any constructive ideas.

Picture Gallery
For pictures of my bad concrete job, click on the following link:
Bad Concrete Job Photos

Better Business Bureau Has not been able to contact my contractor. The mail came back as undeliverable.

The BBB notified me that until they can locate my contractor they can proceed no further.

This is my prime motivation for creating this web page.

Recent updates to this website were done to elliminate the Permacrete name from this site. It seems that my contractor had improperly used this trademarked name without permission.

Additional Info
Ken Saidler was recommended to me by the builder of my home. I supposed that based on this endosement I would get a good quality job.

Obviously from what you see from the rough, wavy edge I did not recieve this. The concrete as laid bears little resemblance to the landscape plans used for the estimation and available on the work site.

The contract I have with Ken Saidler guarantees "workman like quality" I thought I knew what this meant. I was mistaken.

The Plan
The picture on the right shows the landscape plan that was supposed to be followed. I have a lot of trouble seeing how these are even related. Be sure your contractor can read a blueprint. I suggest you have your contractor lay out all the concrete with a spray gun. If they won't or can't send them home.

Useless Links
You can visit the BBB at..
Better Business Bureau